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I normally like my clients to shuffle the cards as this increases their energy field and ask them to just think about what they would like from their reading, it may be that they would like an overall reading or a question, its all about putting your intentions in to the cards and out into the universe.

Sometimes when you ask a question the answer may be unexpected because your heart and thought process is thinking about another issue, which will come out in your Reading.

 It can sometimes be the case that I can get a lot of information about your past, this may be very relevant to what is going on at the moment, and where your future is heading.  We all have FREE WILL and can change  the course of our life if we so wish.  However, sometimes you cannot change the way things are heading, but I feel when you are having a Reading and you are heading in a certain direction that is maybe uncomfortable for you, the cards may help to show you an alternative, or help you to accept the challenge and go forward to new beginnings.

I am a very honest reader but will always help and guide you with compassion to try and give you a positive, even in a very difficult situation.

I usually finish your reading with Oracle/Angel Cards.

I am not a doctor or psychologist and it would be inappropriate of me to advise you on anything of this nature.  You should seek the right help and guidance from a professional person or organisation.

It should be noted that all readings are on a help and guidance basis and anything going forward should always be your decision, as we are all on our own journey and the choices we make should be for ourselves and our higher good


All readings are for help and guidance only and should not be regarded or acted on as professional advice.

Tarot Parties

This is an opportunity to get together with a few friends in the comfort of your own home. You may wish to provide some nibbles and refreshments, possibly a glass of wine.  However, it would be inappropriate of me to have any form of alcoholic drink or read for someone who maybe has had a little too much alcohol as a mark of respect for the spirit world, our guides and loved ones, although they do like to see us enjoying ourselves.

I would usually ask for at least 6 people to attend and their readings would normally be 30 minutes each with the host receiving a FREE reading.  All I ask is that I have a private space for the personal benefit of my client for confidentiality purposes.

Please contact me for availability.

Love & Blessings. X




When I do  a reading for a client I will take at least 20mins before the reading to connect with my spirit guides and the spiritual realms to see if any loved ones wish to make themselves known, you should not be disappointed if a loved one you were expecting to come forward doesn’t, it may be that they find it hard to lower their energy to meet the medium or they maybe pre-occupied. It is not a reflection on how they do or do not feel about you.


I will make this connection first, sometimes I will give you random information that will mean nothing to me but it should mean something to you, if you cannot take the information at that time, it may become apparent when your reading has finished. I may get names, places or something you have been doing just to show the existence of the spiritual realms.

Once I feel the time is right and I go very much on a feeling I will then use the various tools which I feel you need at that time to make a Psychic/Medium connection, this will primarily be my Tarot Cards.

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